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FuseNet 2013 PhD Event at York University

With an attendance of almost 80 PhD Students, the third FuseNet PhD event in fusion science and engineering successfully took place from June 24 - June 26, 2013 at the University of York, UK.


The PhD event was a great success and you can read several Eye-Witness reports here:

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Here you can download some of the presentations and material from the event:

Materials - FuseNet 2013 PhD Event - University of York
Monday 24th of June, 2013
Tom Williams 3-D simulations of mode conversion in fusion plasmas ,
Ciro Calzolaio Irreversible degradation in Nb3Sn Cable in Conduit Conductors
Nicola Fonnesu

An image filtering technique for SPIDER visible tomography

Chiara Piron New schemes for MHD stability control in RFX-mod using the real-time MARTe framework ,
Merlijn Jacobs Temperature effects in liquid metal MHD flows n/a
Matthew Leyland Measurements of the JET H-mode pedestal structure before and after the installation of the new ITER-Like-Wall n/a
Fabien Jaulmes Motion of fast-ions during a sawtooth reconnection ,
Scott Silburn 2D Impurity Flow Imaging on MAST using Coherence Imaging ,
Oleksii Girka Mass-Separated High Flux Ion Beam for Fusion Oriented Material Research ,
Owen Jones Fast-Ion Deuterium Alpha observations of the effects of fast-particle-driven MHD in the Mega-Ampère Spherical Tokamak
Isabel Fernández Runaway electron energy losses dominated by bremsstrahlung radiation in tokamak plasmas
Antonis Sergis Experimental and theoretical studies of Nanofluids with an emphasis on nuclear fusion applications ,
movie bulk trapped redistribution
movie fast 240 keV trapped confined
movie falcon movie to ljubliana
movie passing bulk redistribution
Tuesday 25th of June, 2013
  Frazer-Nash Consultancy ,
Winder Gonzalez Thermo-mechanical analyses of ITER in-vessel magnetic sensor assembly ,
Yuxuan Zhang Metallurgy study of brazed joints between tungsten and dissimilar fusion related materials for divertor design with Au80Cu19Fe1filler ,
Carlo Cazzaniga Diamond based neutron spectrometer for fusion plasmas diagnostics
Danielle Brunetti Saturated helical configurations in tokamak hybrid plasmas
Reem Alraddadi Modelling the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Driven by a High-Power Short-Pulse Laser n/a until after publication
Bilel Rais Impelementation of a New Diagnostic Technique for In-Vessel Particle Inventory in RFX-mod n/a
Maté Lampert Overview of the final Beam Emission Spectroscopy diagnostic on KSTAR tokamak ,
Bob Bingham Status and plans for inertial fusion energy post national ignition campaign at NIF n/a
Wednesday 26th of June, 2013  
Chris Bowman Measurement of Small Scale temperature structures using novel ECEI analysis techniques
Kostiantyn Achkasov Study of ion surface production in caesium-free H2 plasma ,
Peshwaz Abdoul Obtaining Global Mode Structures from Local Gyrokinetic Codes ,
Javier Martinez Gomez Production, Processing and Characterization of oxide dispersion strengthened W alloys, for Fusion Reactor ,
Joao Vasco Gama Triggering and feedback stabilization of Neoclassical Tearing Mode
Francisco Calderon Low dimensional dynamics in type I ELMing in JET plasmas ,
Jonathan Shimwell Minimising 6Li enrichment in fusion breeder blankets without reducing tritium production and ,
Lorne Horton Status and Plans for JET n/a