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52nd Culham Plasma Physics Summer School

Prof. Steve Cowley will open the 2015 edition of the Culham Plasma Physics Summer School. It will be held from 13 - 24 July 2015 and this school is the 52nd in the series organized at Culham Science Centre, near Oxford. No preceding knowledge of plasma physics is assumed. Previous schools have attracted students from more than 50 different countries.

Lecturers for the Summer School are drawn from the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy and leading laboratories and university groups in magnetic and laser confinement fusion, space and astrophysical plasmas and low temperature plasmas from the UK and abroad. A table of the given lectures and the lecturers can be seen at

CCFE Fusion Association is funded jointly by the UK Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council and by EUROfusion, with support from Fusenet.  

52nd Culham Plasma Physics Summer School

Organizing Institution
Organizing Institution
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, United Kingdom
Culham Science Centre, close to Oxford