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New online course on Nuclear Energy now available

New online course on Nuclear Energy now available

A new Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on understanding Nuclear Energy was published on the EdX platform:
Participation to this open online course is free to everyone; only if you want to obtain a Verified Certificate that states that you have successfully completed the course (e.g. for your C.V.), you need to pay $50.
Understanding Nuclear Energy
The aim of this course is to explain the science and technology behind nuclear energy and the special features of this energy source. A few of the listed topics are:
  • The basics of nuclear science and nuclear energy
  • The operating principles of nuclear reactors
  • The various steps in the nuclear fuel cycle
  • The differences between current and future reactors
  • The pros and cons of nuclear energy
GENTLE consortium
This online course was developed with support of the GENTLE consortium and is now open for registration.
The GENTLE consortium has sponsored and prepared this course and is focused on maintaining the current high level of nuclear safety, and developing a highly skilled and well informed nuclear workforce. FuseNet is partipating in another European project (the ANNETTE project) that aims to link the available nuclear knowledge and nuclear training in the fission community with the needs in the fusion community.